At 100 days and 700 miles the VOICES were happy and ready to call it good. This is where I took over and "sold out". I got wrapped up in the numbers. It was like a crazy addiction. Like I had to prove that I could just keep going. On day 115 I felt a pain in my calf around mile 4 but I HAD to finish the 6 miler. By the end of the run the pain was intense and I could barely walk. The next day I ran 3 miles. On day119, it was a 10 miler and I was convinced there wasn't a problem.
That night I posted the "StreakDay 119" pic online. I had to let the world know about this amazing feat.... that is when the VOICES took charge. That is when the "Streak" came to an abrupt end. I realized then that I wasn't training. I hadn't been racing. My intensity level was below par. My focus had been lost. The numbers had become more important than the running. More important than the journey. More important than my competitive spirit. Only 119 days and I had become this dude.... sad.
The focus is back. With a 50 miler coming up in about a month- and a sweet little 50k a few weeks later, it's time to get my act together and put some real numbers on the board. After that....... uhhhh..... we'll talk about that later. Right now I've got a minor injury that needs some dirt rubbed on it. Then it's time to get back to bidness.....
YOU and your health are more important than your Streak or any other number.
Streak Schmeak
Take care of that calf before you start training again.
Hey.... is Schmeak a real word?
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